Rev. Timothy Kalange, OSB

Rev. Timothy Kalange, OSB, STB, MDiv

Adjunct Professor, Undergraduate Theology



MDiv: Mount Angel Seminary (2019)
STB: Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’ Anselmo (2019)
MA: Mount Angel Seminary (2019)
BA: Mount Angel Seminary (2016)

Courses Taught
  • Survey of the Catholic Faith
  • Discipleship and the New Evangelization
  • Introduction to the Bible
  • Introduction to the Sacraments
  • Historical Introduction to Theology
  • The Second Vatican Council
  • “Embracing Death.” Human Development Magazine, Fall 2021.
Conferences and retreats
  • “Forgiveness and the Devotional Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation,” spiritual conference delivered to propaedeutic seminarians of Mount Angel Seminary, November 20, 2023.
  • “What Future Priests Can Learn from the Monastic Charism of Community Life,” spiritual conference to Mount Angel Seminary college and theology seminarians, March 14, 2022.
  • “Benedictine Oblates and the New Evangelization,” Benedictine Oblate retreat (four conferences), Saint Benedict Guesthouse & Retreat Center, February 4-6, 2022.
  • “Virtue and Maturity II: Vainglory & Pride,” spiritual conference to Mount Angel Seminary college and theology seminarians, November 16, 2020.
  • “Virtue and Maturity I: Gluttony & Lust,” spiritual conference to Mount Angel Seminary college seminarians, October 12, 2020.
  • “The Eight Evil Thoughts and the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” Benedictine Spirituality Retreat (four conferences), Saint Benedict Guesthouse & Retreat Center, September 25-27, 2020.
Pastoral outreach
  • Clinical Pastoral Experience (Hospital Chaplaincy Internship, 2018), Emanuel Hospital, Portland, Oregon. In addition to regular classroom periods learning about chaplaincy, made rounds on various different units throughout the hospital – including the emergency departments, intensive, and cardio care units in the main hospital and in the children’s hospital – offering spiritual care services. Part of the “care team” of any patient; helps give important information to family members of patients about critical decisions, assisting in “critical incident stress debriefings” between hospital staff, being with people when they die and being there until the end.
  • Volunteer for Clackamas County Juvenile Center, Oregon City, Oregon: work with at-risk adolescents in a restorative justice model.
  • Youth group religious education volunteer, St. Mary Parish, Mt. Angel, Oregon: worked with a team of other ministers of different backgrounds to help catechize adolescents in the Catholic faith. Duties also included giving several conferences on different Catholic topics.
  • Religious education teacher, St. Mary Parish, Mt. Angel, Oregon: Prepared adolescents who had not yet received their first celebration of the sacraments of Reconciliation and/or Eucharist.