Forming the Next Generation of Priests

We are here for them so they can be there for you!

At Mount Angel Seminary, we accompany each seminarian as he prepares for priestly ordination. With a focus on spiritual and human formation, these men are guided in their journey as they become mature, joyful, prayerful men of Christ, priests in love with the Church, ready to give themselves totally to the pastoral and sacramental care our world needs.

Will you be there for them with your prayers and generous financial gift?

Here at Mount Angel Seminary …

  • The seminarians witness our monastic hours of prayer in the Abbey church as our primary work. They learn how to build a parish community deeply rooted in prayer, centered around the Eucharistic liturgy.
  • A monastery is a place of quiet and beauty where anyone can be still in the presence of God. It models how a parish church can be a beautiful place of stability and community.
  • We practice hospitality, welcoming all who come as Christ. Seminarians here learn to do the same, ready to accompany all who approach them with an open mind and loving heart.

– Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB

Yes, I Want to Help.

Make a gift by check payable to Mount Angel Abbey & Seminary and mail to:
Mount Angel Abbey
1 Abbey Drive
Saint Benedict, OR  97373

If you are interested in creating an endowed fund or an estate plan that will support Mount Angel Seminary in perpetuity, please contact the Development Office at 503-845-3030.

Your gifts and prayers sustain the mission of Mount Angel Seminary. Thank you!