Abbey Foundation of Oregon

Mission Statement

The Abbey Foundation of Oregon promotes the mission of Mount Angel Abbey by providing financial and other support for the monastery, Mount Angel Seminary, the retreat and guest programs, and the library. The Abbey Foundation of Oregon works collaboratively with Mount Angel Abbey to implement the monastic community’s Benedictine mission in service to the Church in Western Oregon and beyond.

The Abbey Foundation of Oregon is an independent 509(a)(3) nonprofit organization that exists solely as a supporting organization for the work of Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary. View our Annual Report.

Please join the Abbey’s friends in supporting Mount Angel Abbey’s mission and ministries:

The Monastery

Home to more than 50 monks who follow the Rule of St. Benedict and dedicate their lives to a rhythm of daily prayer and work, seeking the kingdom of God and sharing their peace with all who visit the Hilltop.

Mount Angel Seminary

The oldest and largest Catholic seminary in the Western United States. Mount Angel Seminary alumni are warmly invited to stay connected with the Hilltop.

Mount Angel Abbey Library

A vast collection of historic and modern literature in an architectural gem, with its growing collection of more than 200,000 new and rare volumes.

Saint Benedict Guesthouse & Retreat Center

The Saint Benedict Guesthouse and Retreat Center – where visitors experience Benedictine hospitality, spiritual growth, and renewal.

Meet the Board of Trustees


Jim Zuiches, President
Professor of Sociology and University Administrator (retired)

Donald Williams, Vice-President
Chief Operating Officer (retired), Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt P.C.

Rex Wardlaw, Secretary
Senior Managing Director (retired),
First Republic Investment Management

John Limb, Past-President
Oregon Catholic Press (retired)

Rev. Philip Waibel, O.S.B., Treasurer
Procurator, Mount Angel Abbey

Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B.
Mount Angel Abbey & Seminary


Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, S.S.M.O.
President, SSMO Ministries Corporation

Mark Beckius
President, Reimers & Jolivette

John Callegari
SVP Portfolio Manager

Jennifer Epping
Secretary, Epping Investments, LTD

Kimball Ferris
Principal and Founder, Ferris Legal, LLC

Paulette Furness
General Counsel (retired), Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon

Lynn Cayanus Jones, Former AFO President
New Product Introduction Manager (retired),
Phillips Medical Systems/Ultrasound

Paul Keller
Partner, Apercen Partners, LLC

Sally Killgore
Chair, AFO Eugene Seminary Benefit Dinner

Joseph (Joe) Pszeracki
President, Focus Logistics Group, LTD

Claire Schulte, C.P.A.
Chief Financial Officer, Bigleaf Networks

Teresa Tolento
Associate Professor
College of Education and Leadership

Rev. Charles Wood ’00
Parish Priest, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church

Anne Yoo
Broker, Windermere Realty Trust

Paul Zollner
Commercial Lending Analyst and Officer,
Business Oregon (ret.)

William Zuelke
Founder and Principal, Awakening to Holiness

We would love to hear from you today!
Email us or call 503.845.3030.

Abbey Foundation of Oregon
Box 497  |  Saint Benedict, Oregon 97373-0497