Myrna J. Keough, DSM, DMin
Director of Sacred Music
Associate Professor of Sacred Music
Coordinator of Liturgical Formation
DMin: Mount Angel Seminary (2024)
DSM: Graduate Theological Foundation (2023)
MA: Mount Angel Seminary (2017)
Grade X Voice Performance: The Royal Conservatory of Music (2005)
BMus.Ed: Luther College, University of Regina (2004)
AA: Ambrose University (2003)
ARCT, Piano Performance: The Royal Conservatory of Music (2000)
Courses taught
- Introduction to Chant and Sacred Music
- Chant and Presiding
- History of Music
- Seminary Liturgical Choir I & II
- Introduction to Music Theory
- Vocal Music I & II
- Keyboard I & II
Research interests
- Liturgy
- Liturgical and sacred music
- Gregorian Chant
- Music and ecumenism
- Sacred music composition
Select projects
- Director, Mount Angel Chamber Choir
- Mass of Glad Tidings: A Musical Setting of the Roman Catholic Mass for Use in Eucharistic Liturgies (2015)
- Blessed Conchita Project: Mass Ordinary, hymns, and motets (2019)
Professional associations
- Oregon Catholic Press, Board of Directors
- Salem Youth Symphony, Board of Directors
- Church Music Association of America
CATE (Christians Advancing Transformational Education)