Mark Nussberger, ThD
Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture
ThD: Harvard Divinity School (2012)
MTS: Harvard Divinity School (2002)
MA: St John’s University (1997)
BA: Chaminade University (1994)
Courses taught
- Scripture: The Soul of Theology
- Synoptic Gospels
- Torah
- Psalms and Wisdom Literature
- Prophets
- Johannine Writings
- Intermediate New Testament Greek I & II
- Elementary New Testament Greek I & II
- Elementary Old Testament Hebrew I & II
- Chosenness in the Old and New Testaments
- Themes in Johannine Literature: “Abide and Go”
- The Psalms: The Church’s Prayer Book & Resource for Pastoral Ministry
Research interests
- Liturgy and biblical interpretation (in Judaism and Christianity), including theological-liturgical interpretation of the biblical texts proclaimed during the Easter Vigil
- Old Testament ethics & the relationships between biblical ethics and moral theology
- Literary-theological interpretation of biblical poetry, including that of the Psalter
- Ancient rabbinic and medieval Jewish biblical hermeneutics, as well as premodern Jewish interpretations of the ancestral narratives of Genesis and Exodus 32–34
Select projects
- “Reading in and for Communion: The Study of Scripture,” in Eucharistic Church, Eucharistic Formation, ed. Owen F. Cummings and Mark Nussberger (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2023).
- “Aniconism and Incarnation: Gregory of Nyssa’s Interpretation of Exodus 32–34 in De vita Moysis,” Revue Scriptura: Nouvelle Série 10.1 (2008) 35–45.
Professional associations
- Catholic Biblical Association
- Society of Biblical Literature